For those who lose someone they have grown up with, pain replaces loss till a time people learn to live with the loss. But when we see the passing of those we have spent lesser time with, memories flood us every time we remember them.
It is true people come and go, and that’s life, but it is also true that some of these men and women form a part of our memory. Becoming memories means a small part of them stays inside us to change us, heal us and often teach us.
Here are some people come and go quotes you may want to read if you are at such a point in your life.
Table of Contents
People Come And Go Quotes
People come and go, but when they stay, they can either be your hell or heaven guide. You have to always choose between knowing hell and heaven, as lessons are what can keep you ticking.

Good memories are the best gifts humans can leave in each other’s lives as they pass by many in their lifetime.

Some people we take as friends turn out to be our best lessons.

Teachers are not found just in school and college daises, but they are found everywhere; even people you meet and greet every day could be focal learning points.

We are here to learn, and more often, we learn the best from those who stay for a shorter span of our lives. Going and coming of a person can teach us more about life than can a classroom.

The feathers of life are as frail as life itself. People often form these feathers and come and go as though these chapters are in your dream. Life is short enough to pass by sooner than you realize. Learn to live while it stays.

Those who come into your life come in without your permission, but you have to let them enter, and you must also be open to letting them go when they want to. Holding someone not destined for your life is not a wise choice you can make for yourself.

There is a lot that happens throughout the day, and you pass by so many people every day. Most of them come to help you either by destroying you or by constructing you. All of these people just leave your side and move on, and mostly, this is what life is all about.

When you walk down a difficult path, you feel pain, but by the end of the road, you realize the joy when you feel why you walked it. You will need to be open to the pain and the joy as both come to teach you the beauty of the world.

Friends Come And Go Quotes
Fake friends come and go every day, but enemies are loyal. They string around you and form a necklace that never leaves till you live.

A few friends, maybe even one, are enough to live a happy life, and they never leave your side.

People who don’t find loyal friends are always stuck in a time constant, and that can be blissful.

Finding false friends who keep hopping in and out of your life are like variables. They can turn your world up and down like a giant wheel unsettling your life to the extent that you never can become grounded ever.

Everyone keeps journeying to and from you, and you are like on a pair of skate boots skating in an ice ring, and this is called life.

People often choose convenience over loyalty. Convenience drives people away from you, and loyal ones always prefer to stay with you.

Some people and shadows are similar. They leave you when you need them the most. But people who are like sunshine will always choose you over the troubles you got to solve in this life.

Moving ahead from the wrong people to the right ones is like choosing one book over the other.

When a person exits your life, think deeper about why they came, and most often, you will know the reason sooner than you thought.

Feelings Are Just Visitors’ Quotes
Every feeling that comes and goes in you is felt by almost everyone around you except that their timings differ from yours. Some of these stay while others leave you faster than you know.

All feelings pass by, and while they do, they try to find a ground within you, but you can never be your feelings except in rare times. You have to live for your good, so you need to ensure your feelings remain pleasant, positive, and pure.

Life is all about feelings, and it is wise to always choose your feelings carefully, but that does not mean you stop feeling the myriad emotions that enrich your life every day.

Life is not about fleeting feelings but about the deeper ones that come to stay beside you.

We are never alone in this world of social media. Often surrounded by ghosts of time and men, we fail to remember our true friends and end up tired of those who come and go in the form of flashes and images every day.

Do not keep pressing people to be a part of your life in any form beyond a certain point. They served their purpose and moved on, so it’s time for you to move on too.

Something there is that doesn’t like the wall; that wants it down, but then some walls between two people serve a greater good by helping to keep both of them in their own spheres.

Feelings can lie to you; therefore, keep a watch on them like a sentinel who never sleeps, and the real ones will linger longer till they make a space for themselves.

People Come And Go Quotes From Famous People
People come and go in our life, but memories stay forever.
– Debasish Mridha

Family always gonna be there. The material things, they come and go.
– Romeo Miller

That’s what life is about People come and go.
– Cecelia Ahern

People come and go, in and out of each other’s lives like it’s nothing.
– Lauren Barnholdt

Life changes, people come and go and seasons never last.
– Karen Kingsbury

We met for a reason. Either you’re a blessing or a lesson.
– Frank Ocean

It’s a shame in a way that people come and go with one album.
– Marc Almond

The life in front of you is far more important than the life behind you.
– Joel Osteen

I don’t give up. I’m a plodder. People come and go, but I stay the course.
– Kevin Costner

People come and go in and out of your life but remember, that it’s up to you to choose who is worth keeping.
– Casper Smith

People come and go, but love always remains. Sometimes beautiful and sometimes a beautiful ache, but love always remains.
– Jen Storms

People Come & Go Quotes
People are like clouds. They never wait for long above the ground. They just pass.

Those who come are sure to leave. While those you are with right now are to live.

In the journey of your life, you will get to travel with as many people as you wish. But everyone has to leave when the time is ripe.

Monkey mind is of a person who hops when anyone comes or anyone goes.

We are like the stones in the bed of the river. Many people will touch and pass like water shaping us into what we are right now.

It is inevitable that people will “come” and “go”, all that matters is what happened between the two phrases.

You can’t hold anyone in your life. They are sure to slip like sand out of your hand.

Every person that came into your life had a purpose. He fulfilled it and moved on, and so shall you.

Let your emotions flow. Even they come and go as people do.

Holding onto something will be your foolishness of rejecting something better that may be waiting on your path.

Not every person comes with a reason in your life. But every person leaves with a reason.

They came in the past and will have to leave in the future. Enjoy the present with them.

Few people will touch like wind and pass. Others are the storms that will leave fallen apart.

Love the people you have right now. You never know if you’ll get another chance.

You can keep the memories forever but not the people.

Let every person who goes from your life depart with cheerful memories.

Everybody has their best time to come and the right time to leave. You can’t force things to happen at your time.

Think about what you were before you met that person and what you are right now when he leaves.

Not all people that left you deserved to stay in your life.

The arrival and departure of people keeps the train of life moving.

Frequently Asked Questions
If You Want To Develop An Understanding Of Friends And This World, How Do You Do That?
You can learn about your life by constantly reading about others’ mistakes through quotes and stories. Often you have to go the other way round to find out what you shouldn’t attempt doing, and the best place is men and their stories. After reading their views, you will be getting the understanding that will guide you towards or away from an action or thought.
Do Things Last In Our Lives?
Most often, we realize they don’t and if you want to linger around this thought process, read these people will come and go quotes to understand better about them.
Final Thoughts
Most often you are not surrounded by your own will but by others’ will. To forge ahead, you must find out more about yourself and the best way to find yourself is through a thorough examination and scrutiny of thoughts and actions. They can often run a long way with you and here in this post, we bring you some mind-altering quotes about people who come and go that can not only help sort your life but can also make it simpler.
Also read: 45 Focus On Yourself Quotes To Help You In Times Of Chaos