You should know your worth to build your self-esteem. To know your worth means to comprehend what is genuinely your potential. You need to understand yourself to know your worth, as it helps you to be aware of your capabilities.
You can’t rely on people to tell you who you are. Neither let their opinions cause you harm. Only self-love and confidence can help you have a higher self-esteem level. Here are 100+ know your worth quotes to build your self-esteem.
Table of Contents
Best Know Your Worth Quotes
Self-acceptance is your first victory, and the next follows.

Nobody can handle you the way you do yourself.

You are far more important than their words describing you.

No one can define your worth except you.

Take control over your life and see how everything goes right.

The obstacles that came were to make you fall so that every time you look up at the sky, you realize that you are limitless.

When you believe in yourself, magical things happen.

The more you uncover the layers of secrets within you, the more you gain freedom.

You deserve the same respect you give.

Self-talk is healing, especially if you are an independent person.

Don’t simply hold your power. Grow them.

If you live up to your expectations, you have the best life.

You are my first friend of yours and my last friend too.

Believe in your journey because it is unique, and nobody could have made it so far as you did.

You’ll feel inferior only when you allow yourself to handle it.

Set the bars high and make it happen.

No one but you defines your limits. Hence, being limitless is a choice, not luck.

Cry only in front of a mirror, or don’t cry.

Build your self-worth with rugged rocks, not sand that can be washed away by people’s opinions.

Trust yourself because you cannot expect it from others when you need it the most.

Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve.

Instead of convincing people who don’t care about you, convince yourself that you can be alone.

Make decisions that bring your body, soul, and mind together.

Your self-worth will give you more than your net worth ever could.

Skip the things which are not important to you. Not every battle is worth a fight.

In this crowd, you are not the only one who’s insecure. Hence, a little effort to know yourself will make you stand out on a great scale.

I Know My Worth Quotes
Be tough. Something easy is not worth enough.

You are not a theorem of mathematics that must be proved. Your words and actions are credible enough.

Being worthy is not the same as being recognizable.

Your boundaries are by you and not the creator. The creator wants you to be limitless.

Scan every thought into your brain and analyze if it is worth your precious time.

Don’t stop the hustle until you see your goals coming to life in front of you.

Only you have the power to feel the emotions that you are feeling. People’s words can never decide what you feel.

Start discovering yourself, and you’ll see that there is no end to this beautiful mess.

Don’t make people like you. Love yourself, and the rest will follow.

You are trapped in the cycle of your own thoughts, and there is no way out. So think beautiful about you.

When you set up for a voyage, don’t give up until you reach your destination.

You’ll know you are worth it if you know yourself perfectly.

You must know yourself before you know your worth.

Create a self-image that no one can harm.

Seek the silence within you. When you find it, you will have answers to all your questions about yourself.

You are worthy of every disaster that comes your way. They cleaned the past litter because you want to level up.

Who decides whether you are worthy or not? You and only you.

Stop complaining and start thinking about why it had to happen.

To know your worth, ask the right question, and you shall have the right answer.

You need to seek yourself because you are lost in the maze of other people’s opinions about you.

Don’t listen to everyone that speaks. Some people just don’t know what they are speaking. At the same time, some people are still celebrating the fact that they have a voice.

The best part of the journey is the journey itself and not the destination. Enjoy this quest for truth that will lead you to the original you.

Self-respect is a way deeper concept than you think.

Keep moving, not until you reach but till your last speech.

Having a low opinion of yourself has held you back from so many things you can’t imagine.

Don’t stop until you have truly known the meaning and until you truly discover yourself. The devil’s eye is always on you to tell you what you are.

Inspiring Know Your Worth Quotes
Make your way out through the toughest path. You will learn much more than you think.

Life teaches you many things, but only those you remember will benefit you.

You were made not to complain but to strive.

Know your strength, and they will tell you your worth.

When you respect yourself, your self-worth grows.

The way you treat yourself teaches others how you want to be treated.

Practicing even a simple thing like feeling good about yourself can boost your self-worth.

Make your own rules rather than a living cage of rules set by others. It is simply another way for you to know self-worth.

Defining yourself in a new way every day and loving yourself like no one else is a part of knowing your self-worth.

Be faithful to yourself, and you’ll know that whatever you deserve comes your way.

Know your worth cause nobody else is going to explain you.

Don’t give anyone the power to manipulate you. But have enough strength to manipulate your nemesis.

Low self-esteem makes your life feel boring long. Once you heal, you can see how short-lived life and happiness are.

Have faith in your work and allow only healthy thoughts in your head. Indeed, you deserve a peaceful life.

If they made you feel down, it was because you gave them permission to do so.

Keep your privacy, and it leads you to supremacy.

Understand yourself to understand what more you can do and what you are capable of.

A perfect love story is when you fall in love with yourself and dive deeper into yourself every day to strengthen the bonds.

Seek the answers to the questions you posed, and never leave them unanswered. All the answers will finally lead you to the truth of you.

When you learn to celebrate your life, you have got the true meaning of existence.

Keep your soul pure, and don’t let the dirty hands of people threaten it.

When you know your worth, you’ll stop seeking the approval of the people.

What you give your time to value the most because it tells a lot of things about which even you don’t know.

Don’t believe every compliment you hear about yourself. Though, you can be suspicious of the reason why that person gave you the compliment.

Have the power to manipulate things and use them for your own benefit.

Love the way you eat, dress and smile. Everything else will seem nice.

Quotes That Build Your Self-Esteem
When you know you are worth it, don’t stop the pursuit.

Look up and laugh in the face of hardship. You can have anything in this world.

How you look at yourself will tell others how they should look at you.

Start sitting in front of the mirror and admiring the beautiful creation staring at you.

Know that not everybody is worth your precious time. Leave the annoying people and focus on things that you can control.

Conquer your fear, don’t let it conquer you.

Set the optimistic vibe in the air wherever you go.

Leave the thought of unworthiness if you want to know the truth of worth.

Build yourself to fill the gap between what you deserve and what you get.

Don’t knock on every door you pass. It displays your foolishness, not curiosity.

The confidence you walk with catches the eye of the right people. So never impress anyone; rather, build yourself more.

Knowing yourself is not enough, you need to see how you think about yourself and how you can change your image of yourself.

No matter how high you reach, keep your feet on the ground.

Live a life bold enough that you don’t have to shout for attention.

How you handle your past and plan for your future decides what you will look like in the present.

Don’t carry the unnecessary burden of people’s opinions. Keep your heart light with faith and hope.

Don’t worry if you see them going too high not everybody has the same speed.

Realizing Your worth Quotes
People can drag you down when you are above them, but anyone will hardly offer a hand when you are below. Learn to stand up by yourself and keep the balance.

The original you are the best version of you.

Only you get to decide what is best for you. Keep the mean people away from controlling you.

Self-worth is like the freshwater of the river. It needs to keep continuously flowing to keep it fresh.

You paint your own reality with all the colors you want unless you have handed the paintbrush to another’s hand.

Have the courage to seize the things that you own and deserve. Nobody is going to serve justice for free.

Master your emotions to rise above the millions of people who still cry for things they think they deserve.

Don’t keep yourself waiting but still have the patience. Tough, but you’ll know what it means when you know yourself.

You can never be lonely when you are with yourself.

The Bottom Line
Only you know your worth, and you have the power to manipulate it to build your self-esteem. Individuals who lack self-esteem generally struggle to attain success despite their skills. Consequently, it is always important to be aware of and accept your own value.
You can choose what you deserve in life without needing someone else to confirm it for you. Strong self-esteem can help you to achieve anything you want in your life.
Also read: 50 Quotes About Finding Yourself Again And Regain Self-Worth