Amazing life does not exist. Amazing times do. Amazing people do. When a fantastic person enters your life, life turns amazing. And the sad part of these amazing people and extraordinary times is that we usually fail to convey the same.
Take time to appreciate the people who made your life a bliss. May it be even for a moment. We often wait for a special occasion to convey the message. Explore the you are amazing quotes ahead and dedicate the best lines to your loved ones that could make them feel blissful.
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Here are a few “you are amazing quotes” for the one whom you consider special.
Table of Contents
You Are Amazing Quotes
If someone asked me to describe you in just 3 words, I’d say… you are amazing.
– Unknown

This is your reminder that you are amazing and you can handle anything.
– Unknown

You are amazing, you are blessed, you are unique and you are enough for me.

I can’t choose the thing that I like most about you because, in my eyes, you are amazing in every way

Tell your friends how amazing they are because if you don’t say today, you might never get another chance.

Don’t strive to be like someone else because you are already amazing.

Don’t let people decide your worth because only you have that right.

You never miss any opportunity to be happy, and it’s really amazing.

You Are An Amazing Woman Quotes
You are an amazing woman quotes are generally thought for girlfriends and wives. However, we have also kept your mother and granny in mind while drafting these quotes.
We take time to appreciate our love and to celebrate it only when we are girlfriends and boyfriends. Once we become husband and wife, we start taking love and care for granted. And we see our mother’s love and care for us as her duty. And for granny, we consider it as her nature.
To all the women who make a difference in your life, take time to appreciate their beauty and let them know how amazing they are.
To the wife who works tirelessly and still manages to glow just by seeing you satisfied, tell her she is amazing the way she is.
To your mother who wakes up the first in the family, and hits the sack last, let her know she is so amazing and you love her.
Let all the women in your life know that each and every gesture of theirs is just sweetness and nothing else. And every day, you simply witness their love and nothing else.
So here a list of you are amazing an woman quotes to all the women in your life who loves you, but you fail to complement them. Or fail even to recognize them as a loving woman.
With all the sweet gestures that one could imagine, you are an amazing woman that I know.

Whatever you do, whatever you come up with, all I could see is your sweetness in it. All your activities are gestures that couldn’t be any kinder. You are really an amazing woman.
Very few things amaze me. And one of them is you.

I keep wondering, from where do you get this strength and courage. Then when I learn the reason behind all your doing is just a love. I simply wonder and praise you. I shall always be indebted to your love.
When I count the amazing things that God has made, I count you twice.

When I see your love for me, I just thank God for creating you and sending you in my life. And I feel, I just can’t thank the almighty enough. You are an amazing woman and my greatest blessing.
An amazing woman is one who is dutiful.

No doubt, I appreciate your beauty. But the thing that makes you more beautiful is your dutiful nature. You make it happen gracefully, just because you consider it as your duty. I am really grateful for such an amazing woman.
I like you every moment. But the moment in which you are strong, I adore you.

I may not convey. I may not even pay attention to you. But one thing is sure. I like you even when we are fighting. And adore you each time when you get stronger. I silently praise you and utter these words from inside – “You are amazing.”
I find you the most amazing woman when you manage all the hectic things smoothly.

I find my day quite hectic and tiresome. But when I see you, I forget everything. I just could feel you and know yours was more hectic. Still, you have that tireless smile and energy. Where from you get this? You are amazing!
You Are An Amazing Man Quotes
Gender inequality has taken to such a level that men’s emotions are now unseen. Men do have emotions and do cry. Men are stronger but do crave for the delicate love.
When he is our boyfriend, we bring him gifts as a gesture of love. We show him how much we care and love.
When he is our husband, we take his hard work for granted.
When he is our father, we think what he does is just his routine.
When he is our grandfather, we don’t even know what he has done.
So, here is a list of “you are an amazing man quotes” for every man that made you responsible and confident. We owe them a lot.
When you are mature, you are an amazing man. When you are naughty, you are more amazing.

Every time I have seen you performing your duties maturely, you handle every emotion with significant serenity. But when you let your inner child come out in front of me. I swear, I find you more amazing than the man you are now.
Amazing is the man you would mirror your father into.

I was confused if I would be able to spend my entire life with you. But your gestures towards me were fatherly. And that made all my confusion fade away. Since then, my heartbeat narrates me that you are amazing. And the most amazing thing about you is that you are mine.
You have chosen to share your soul with mine. What else could it be to have an amazing man than this?

When you chose to share your life, and each moment in it with me, I was amazed for all the following years. It was a long commitment. But you made it short. You make me happy and assured. I now know, the rest of my life belongs to you.
If I could call my life amazing, it is just because you are amazing.

Without you, my life is a void. I am void. I just couldn’t remember a day that went great without you. I have always been learning from you, growing with you, and reciprocating the love you gave. Without you, I would find it challenging to perform the very life. For me, you are enough and you are simply amazing.
An amazing man like you resides in heart forever.

Wherever you are for the world, you will always be in my heart. Whenever I feel the cool breezes passing by, I will be experiencing the soul. And whenever my soul is touched, you will resemble.
You are amazing, strong, brave, and wonderful. Never forget that.

Also read: 100+ Beautiful You Are Special Quotes To Share With Your Loved Ones
You Are So Amazing Quotes
No matter how much we try, we always regret our act of not able to convey the love verbally. Every day and rather, every moment, I keep on exploring more amazing things about you.
Had I been conveying it all the time, you might have considered it all fake. To this extent, I think you are amazing. You are so amazing, my love.
Here are a few more “you are so amazing quotes“:
You are so amazing in every way you are, and in every way, you will have been.

The way you carry us together makes you so amazing.

When you are full of life, you are so amazing that I keep falling for you over and over again.

Every time I look at your gestures, I simply feel you are so amazing.

All that you do for me make you so amazing for me.

You are so amazing. Own that!

You Are Amazing Quotes For Him
I am confused, should I call life amazing or you?

If there is something that makes me appreciate life, that’s only you.

I could experience the good vibes because of your amazing nature.

I am thankful to my life for letting me have you.

I love the way you are. You simply amaze the way you are.

You are capable of amazing things.

You Are Amazing Quotes For Her
You make me complete. You are amazing, my love.

You are my better half by all the means.

I just couldn’t convey to you how amazing you make me feel when you are around.

Whatever you have been doing as a gesture of love is so amazing.

If we haven’t met, I would have never understood what amazing nature is.

Just to remind you, you’re pretty much the most amazing person I’ve ever met.

You are amazing. You are caring. You are humorous. You are just my sweetheart.

I Think You Are Amazing Quotes
You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing
– Unknown

I have no words to explain how amazing you make me feel.

Sometimes I just wonder what I would have done without you.
– Unknown

One of the greatest things in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, mistakes and weaknesses and still thinks you are amazing.

I think you are amazing just the way you are.

You are amazing just as you are. More beautiful than you can see, stranger than you feel, and more worthy than you will ever know.
– Unknown

Be yourself, be proud, stand tall. You are amazing!

In a world where you can be anything, be yourself. Because you are already amazing.
– Unknown

You always find something positive in a negative situation and I think that’s really amazing because most people can’t do that.

You leave the past behind and never worry too much about the future, you live in the present, and I think it is amazing.

You Are An Amazing Person Quotes
You are the most amazing person I’ve ever met.

Whenever anything happens, the first thing I think of is telling you. That’s the sign of an amazing person.

Your presence is enough to make me feel amazing, just wanted to let you know.

The way you see things and do things makes you an amazing person. I am grateful that I met you.

There is always a special person in everyone’s life who completely changed their lives, so don’t let that amazing person go.

You’ve transformed me into the person I always wanted to be. You are amazing.

You Are Amazing Quotes For Friends
Thanks for being the shoulder I can always depend on.
– Unknown

You made my story worth reading. Thank you for being part of my life.

Don’t compare yourself to other people. You are one of a kind, and you are amazing.

Sometimes I just wonder what I would have done without you.
– Unknown

Your friendship means the world to me. Just wanted to let you know.
– Unknown

Whenever I am with you, I forget all my problems, and it’s very amazing.

Also read: 50+ Quotes About Falling In Love With Your Best Friend
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes a person amazing?
Being amazing means being real and stay true to yourself. People might see you as an amazing person for different reasons. It can be your loyalty, kindness, sense of humour, jolly nature, or positive attitude. But above all, what makes a person amazing is being real.
What is the most beautiful quote?
People relate different quotes in different ways. So, the beauty of the quote varies from person to person. Here’s the quote that I really like:
If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.
– Napoleon Hill

What is a good positive quote?
Here’s the best positive quote that you can read to kickstart your day:
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
– Walt Disney

What can I say instead of I Love You?
Here are some unique and amazing ways to say I love you:
1) You are my sunshine.
2) You mean the world to me.
3) You are amazing just the way you are.
4) You are my other half.
5) I am incomplete without you.
6)I’m head over heels for you.
7) I’m crazy about you.
8) I love you to the moon and back.
9) I am madly in love with you.
10)I am all yours.
How do you tell someone they are amazing?
It is very important to convey the right message to the right people at the right time in the right way. Giving someone a genuine compliment can bring people over to your side.
You can use any of the quotes mentioned above to tell someone that they are amazing. Apart from that, here are a few things that you should keep in mind while complementing someone.
Compliment them on a specific aspect: Simply saying that “you are amazing” is not an effective way to compliment someone. You need to be specific about the things that you find most amazing about them. For example, instead of saying, “you are amazing,” you can say, “your smile is really beautiful, and I like your kind acts. I think you are very amazing.”
Say it as you mean it: If you are distracted or not looking the person in the eyes while complimenting them, they will think you do not mean it. So, stop for a while and focus on the person whom you are complementing. It’ll only take a few seconds, but the impact will be long-lasting.
Don’t miss any opportunity to make your loved ones feel special.
Bottom Line
“You are amazing” is a simple phrase. But, it is more profound than the thing that you consider. “I love you” is amazing. But when you say you are amazing, you genuinely compliment the other person.
When you utter this phrase, you make them realize how much you notice them, how much you care for them, and how their efforts are getting satisfactory sighs.
If you feel they are amazing, they must know it right away. And over and over again.
Do let us know if you have ever complimented someone saying they are amazing? And what was their response?
If you are going to complement them for the first time, what are you planning to say? And how? Make a comment below about your experience and also let us know which of the above “you are amazing” quote did you like the most.
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