Often when we reach for the top, we do not look back, which is not only essential but immensely necessary. Never forget where you came from and who helped you.
Yes, it is also important to know how they treated you and, most importantly, why they helped you.
Knowing the answers to all these questions will not only make you wise but will also strengthen your ways ahead.
Here are some quotes about never forgetting where you came from. Every time you read these quotes and never forget where you came from, you will have a fresh perspective right in front of you. Try to hold to these perspectives and ideas to distinguish your friends from the strangers you meet daily.
Table of Contents
Quotes About Never Forgetting Where You Came From
People often forget who they are and where they came from; that way, they lose the ground on which they grew up.

Life is all about your gatherings, and what you gather should never be too far from where you began.

Life’s essence and music are in knowing a few facts straight- one of them being your origin and how far you walked beyond.

You can touch the moon and move to the stars, but this earth will always be your home.

The first few steps of your life are crucial. If you take them right, you need never worry about the rest.

Our graves and our pyres will be the same size no matter how far we travel and how much we earn.

Life is meaningless, boring, and disgusting when you do not know the value of men, and the most valuable of these men are those who never forget their roots.

Facts about life change, and chapters keep churning one episode after another, but our origins are never points that should go out of our memories, as it is always at these points that you can find the right direction.

Never Forget Where You Come From Quotes
Indeed, whatever seems to be growth and movement in our lives is, in reality, a merry-go-round around a point- our origin. We cannot truly detach ourselves from this point of origin, but with internal growth, we can elevate the value of this point.

Sometimes you never know your future without taking a step back to retrace the steps you traveled so far, and this is always the point where you know what you have to do.

Humility is all about knowing who helped you and why. We all have reasons to help others, but a man who helped you and filled their beans with your yield is bringing no help to you but to themselves.

Knowing to distinguish between help and favor is important. When a man extends his hand and lifts you from the boggy soil, it is called help. But when a man pulls you out of the boggy soil for a payment in return, it is called a favor.

Many will extend favor to you, but there are only a few who will have the spine to help you when you really need it.

Not forgetting people who helped you is humility and forgetting favors after repayments is wisdom.

Don’t forget where you came from quotes are just words but using them to attain wisdom is your work.

Whoever helps you may not be the right hand you are holding. This world is so full of people who hold your hand to merely pull you down with them.

Don’t Forget Where You Came From Quotes
Life and ideas come through many sources, and each is a promising help to you. Choose carefully, or it could not be long before you know your own demise.

The right help is where someone is trying to help you become “You” after understanding you thoroughly and not their duplicate self.

Most people are in love with themselves and so often love to be in love with their own reflections than with you. Help from such people can be a grinding force to your existence.

The man who chops off the hands of a beggar and leaves him on the streets to beg is helping the beggar as much as the man who helps him climb the stairs of life, turning him from being a beggar anymore. Learn to know the difference.

No man in this world will help you without a purpose. Most often, choosing the right person depends a lot on understanding his purpose in helping you. Only when there is a match should one accept the help right in front.

The world was never less hostile, and the right help is always a boon in disguise. Never forget those hands and faces.

Being wise means being capable of detecting the finer points of life. To act wisely, knowing which hand is right for you is always essential.

No two men are the same. Similarly, no two helping hands are similar. Choose the ones that suit you best.

A wise man chooses people who seem to understand him, and a fool chooses people who show him the shimmering lights ahead.

Never Forget From Where You Came Quotes
You cannot change life much, and you can always choose to walk alone when you do not find the right people around you.

If you know the path to the place from where you came, you will always have a place where you can fall back when things go wrong.

Knowing where you came from signifies the ideas and the facts you grew up with, and never losing yourself in this time tunnel would mean holding on to the threads.

We are nothing but our ideas, teachings, principles, goals, visions, and dreams. If you want to be close to home, never forget your right teachings, even when there are a thousand people around you teaching different versions of your right teachings.

Close your eyes and breathe deeper every time you meet people who pull you away from where you came from.

Believe in yourself more than in anyone, as you are enough to save yourself from the timidities that the world asks you to project within you in the name of change and life.

Do not betray the soul within, as it is the quickest way to reach the place you came from. Remember, tendrils can never stand strong storms.

When you are trying to find the right help for you, check the intentions of the people to find out who is right for you.

Never forget who you are.
– The Lion King

No matter who you are, no matter where you come from, you are beautiful.
– Michelle Obama

The Bottom Line
These pearls of wisdom come from experience and if you are right now at a crossroads worrying about what is right for you, read these quotes on never forget where you came from. People cannot rise high by forgetting who they were and who helped them in the process.
But people cannot also rise and shine if they do not know the finer points of life and living. Merely helping people is not enough, but the intentions matter too.
If someone is helping you to help themselves, they are merely passing you a favor, but does it mean those whose help seems real will not also ask for something in return? They will, but that return will not be anything that will cost you, you.
Also read: 50 Inspirational Quotes About Being True To Yourself And Others