45 Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

In the whirlwind of life, seeking motivation and inner strength is like finding hidden treasures. One of the most powerful resources of guidance and direction is the eternal knowledge of Buddha. His teachings are founded on compassion, mindfulness and the principles of Karma. 

Buddha’s quotations are universally applicable across different cultures, transcending space and time. In this blog, we will explore 45 meaningful Buddha quotes on Karma that can be used to lift and transform the lives of people all over the world.

Here’s the list of 15 meaningful Buddha Quotes on Karma.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Do not dwell on the past, and do not imagine the future. Focus your mind on the present; the Karma will take care of itself.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Our thoughts guide us towards our fate. We are the makers of our own destiny.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

The universe doesn’t have a say in us. It just responds to the energy that we produce.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Karma can be the educator. Life’s events teach lessons.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Just as a flower can pick and pick its colour, we’re not accountable to the ideas that are presented to us. However, we are accountable for the thoughts we decide to act upon.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Your actions echo back your actions, and they will return to you in the form of either a whisper or a roar.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

To be able to understand all things is to accept everything.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Let go of judgment, as it’s merely a reflection of your personal Karma.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

In an age where you could be anything, show kindness.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Fill Your heart and soul with love, and you’ll see your actions reflect compassion.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

One act of kindness could change the fate of a life.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Happiness cannot be found in seeking the future, and it’s an outcome of living in living in the moment.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Be conscious of your intentions, for they determine the energy that you release.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

See the beauty that is in each soul. We are all on a path of spiritual unfolding.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Our greatest wealth is the pureness of our hearts and the motives that drive our decisions.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Meaningful Buddha Quotes With Deep Meaning

Thousands of candles may be lit by the same candles, so the lifetime of the candle won’t be cut short. Happiness will never diminish because it is shared.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

You yourself, as well as any other person in the universe, deserve to be loved and love.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Peace is within you. Don’t look for it without.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

The mind controls everything. The way you think becomes.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Hatred is not cured by hate but only through love. That is the rule that endures forever.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Three things are not able to be in the dark. Three things cannot be kept from the public eye: the sun, moon as well as the fact.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Work for your own security. Don’t rely on anyone else.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

No one can save us except ourselves. There is no one who can, and there is nobody who will. We all must take the way.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

To maintain the body healthy is a requirement; otherwise, we won’t be in a position to keep our mind well-balanced and free.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

An untrue and vile person is more fear than wild animals, and a wild animal could inflict injury to your body, but an evil friend can inflict harm on you in the head.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

In the final analysis, these are the things that matter the most: How well did you love yourself? How deeply did you live? How much did your heart break?

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Health is the best gift, and contentment is the best wealth, and loyalty is the best relationship.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Believe absolutely nothing, regardless of the place you read it or who said it, even if I’ve stated it unless it is in agreement with your own reasoning and your basic sense.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

The one true failure in life is to not remain true to what one can be.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Let us stand up and be grateful. Even though we may not have learned much today, we at least gained a few things, and even if we didn’t gain a few things, then at least we didn’t get sick. And if we were sick and got sick, at least we didn’t get sick, so we should all be grateful.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Buddha Quotes About Karma

Your actions represent your spiritual footprints, and they leave a mark on your soul’s path.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Life can be a reflection. How you conduct your choices reflects back to you.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

With each thought you make, create your universe.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Karma isn’t a judge of the universe; it is the law that governs cause and result.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Plant these seeds today, and they will grow into a beautiful garden later on.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

The Karma river flows, and your actions decide the course it will take.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Choose your actions carefully because they create an event that will affect your life.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Karma is not a punishment; it’s an opportunity to grow and change.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

The energy you put into it will be the energy that you get back.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Do not become an inmate of your past actions. Every moment gives you the chance to change the story you’ve written.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Even when faced with difficulties, be a loving person and see how your Karma alters.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

The heart that is a prisoner of grudges is weighed down by its own Karma.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Every move you make today will pave the way for you to walk on in the future.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Karma is the dance of interconnectedness. Whatever you do to others is what you do to yourself.

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma

Let the actions you take be guided by kindness. 

Meaningful Buddha Quotes On Karma


The deep wisdom contained in the forty Buddha quotes on Karma shows the path to awakening, self-awareness, and the possibility of positive actions. When we explore the vast world of existence, these quotes serve as a guide that leads us to more awareness of our thoughts, actions and the interconnectedness between all living things. These quotes are an ongoing reminder that by our choices and actions, we are able to affect not only our own destiny but also the fate of the world around us. Let the wisdom from the Buddha assist everyone in following the path of mindfulness, compassion and a mindful life.

Also read: 50+ Buddha Quotes About Inner Peace