Sexual problems are something that many people don’t like to discuss but trust me these problems deserve the amount of attention and treatment as any other physical or mental problems. Low sex drive can impact both people in a relationship. Because of low sex drive, you can’t be an active partner in sexual intimacy and this can cause problems in your relationship. Here are some habits that you should avoid in order to keep your sexual health high.

Zinc helps in boosting testosterone levels in men and zinc deficiency can cause many problems. Low libido in men is also one of the problems that can be caused by zinc deficiency. Many zinc supplements are available these days but don’t use them without the consultation of a doctor.

We are surrounded by so much food but most of the food items are of poor quality. Research suggests that poor-quality food can decrease testosterone levels directly, and also indirectly through exposure to man-made phthalate compounds. So, consuming junk food in excess can also lower your sex drive. Be careful with your food choices and create a healthy lifestyle for yourself.

Excessive Smoking can not only affect your cardiovascular health but it also affects your sexual health. Nicotine in cigarettes can create hormonal imbalance and it can lower man’s desire for sex. If you don’t want to suffer from low sex drive then you need to quit smoking.

Stress is the reason for many problems and low sex drive is one of them. Stress does not let your body to perform properly and it results in low sexual performance. A study in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease have shown that internal stresses from relationships, work, or other personal matters are directly related to sexual problems. If you’re also stressed over anything then you should try some relaxation techniques to manage your stress.

Excessive drinking can have harmful effects on your sex life. Studies show that men who are dependent on alcohol have a 60 to 70 per cent chance of suffering from sexual problems. Drinking too much alcohol can kill the desire for sex. It can also cause difficulties in getting and maintaining an erection. However, using a very small amount of alcohol is acceptable but using it in excess can ruin your sex life.
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