It is hurtful when you care about someone, and they just ignore you or cut you off for no reason. Depending upon the relationship, the reaction changes.
For example, if your best friend is ignoring you for no reason, then you might not be mad or sad about it. Instead, you might face him and teach him a good lesson so he won’t do it again, no matter the reason.
In the same way, you might get hurt if someone is trying to avoid you. Other effects are your perception of the surroundings might change. You may feel that everything is dull. Others may experience a loss of control over their emotions due to self-doubt.
There may be many reasons behind ignoring someone or being ignored by someone. And it is not valid to say that you didn’t ignore or get ignored by anyone in your life. Everyone has ignored someone at some point in their life. It is not a pleasant experience.
For the people who are feeling ignored and want to express their feeling using quotes, you have come to the right place. We have shared some of the funny quotes about being ignored by someone you care about.
It is a wonderful way to make someone realize that you do not appreciate being ignored because you can even be with someone and feel ignored or alone. These funny quotes about being ignored will come in handy to express yourself.
Table of Contents
Funny Quotes About Being Ignored
Would you mind noticing me? Or are you busy ignoring me right now?

You ignored me so much I started to doubt my existence.

What’s my superpower? It’s being ignored like I’m invisible.

Stubbing my toe feels like a blessing because it makes me forget for a second that you are ignoring me.

Well, now that I am being ghosted, I just need to learn how to walk through the walls so that I will unlock the full powers of a ghost.

You can ignore me, but you can never forget me.

If I know for a fact that you can ignore me like this because you also ignored the fact that you’re an idiot.

I’m happy that you are ignoring me. At least now you won’t be able to use me.

Sarcastic Quotes About Being Ignored
Are you tired of ignoring me? I already forgot who you are.

Sometimes I feel like I am on the terms and conditions page, and people always ignore to know about me.

You ignore me like I never existed, and yet you talk about me like you know me. What does that make me? A mythical creature?

Just checking my face in the mirror because I feel that someone wrote “Ignore me” on my forehead.

It is fun to be ignored. I don’t have to bother dealing with another headache for a while.

Are you ignoring me? Great! Let us play who ignores whom for the longest time.

Hey, Oh, I’m sorry I forgot that I have to come up with something useful to you to get your attention.

Quotes About Being Ignored By Someone You Love
When no one cares about you anymore, it gets lonely even if you are surrounded by people.

It causes heartache when someone doesn’t want to listen to you.

You are in debt for the time I spent grabbing your attention while you were busy ignoring me.

The more you get ignored, the more you need to realize your self-worth.

If you are sad because you are talked about, thank god because at least you are not getting ignored.

If you think being alone is the worst thing that can happen, well, you’re wrong; probably the worst thing is being surrounded by people who make you feel ignored.

Being ignored can be painful, but it is a great time to reflect on yourself and improve.

Quotes About Being Ignored By Someone You Care About
Many people in this world are hated, and many of them seem to be happy because at least they are not being ignored.

Being someone’s option will one day lead you towards being ignored some day.

There is no bigger disrespect other than willingly ignoring a shaking hand.

It is better if you stop talking about me if you want to ignore me.

All these people around, yet I feel alone, I talk with a few of them, yet I feel unheard. They watch me all the time, yet I feel they see through me as if I am invisible.

I’m not invisible to people only when they need my help.

I am an expert at multitasking, and I can scroll through social media and ignore you at the same time.

As soon as people get what they want, they ignore everyone else.

Popular Quotes About Being Ignored
I spent a great deal of my life being ignored. I was always very happy that way.
~ Saul Leiter

Everyone wants to be liked; everyone wants approval. No one likes being ignored.
~ Daniel Mallory Ortberg

I hate being ignored.
~ Amanda Palmer

Being ignored is a great privilege. That is how I think I learned to see what others do not see and to react to situations differently. I simply looked at the world, not really prepared for anything.
~ Saul Leiter

If you’re being ignored, that’s a good time to concentrate on finding yourself and creating your own mystery.
~ Lykke Li

Don’t give up or give in in the face of patronising ridicule, amused disdain, or being ignored.
~ Meryl Streep

The great thing about being ignored is that you can speak the truth with impunity.
~ Steve Aylett

Feel proud when people ignore you and thank God you missed the worst.
~ Sanjiv Dogra

I don’t like being ignored, and I don’t like being forgotten.
~ Kreay Shawn

You’re ignoring me so loud that it’s deafening. This silence is so deep that it’s echoing.
~ Anna Jae

Final Words
Humour/satire is one of the ways to make statements on serious topics. It is observed that people who tend to put serious topics more lightly are more likely to handle tough situations in a better way. So these are some of the feelings ignored quotes handpicked for you.
Sometimes just being around someone is not enough; you have to be actively involved and get to know someone who feels ignored. You need to make them feel that they matter.
We hope these getting ignored quotes help you understand the reasons and the results of ignoring and being ignored. If you feel that this article on funny quotes about being ignored was helpful, do consider visiting our website for more such content.
Also read: 50 Quotes About Finding Yourself Again And Regain Self-Worth